You are your ticket to living a great life (3 steps to freedom)

You are your ticket to living a great life (3 steps to freedom)

Not how long, but how well have you lived is the main thing

“Not how long, but how well have you lived is the main thing”

Isn't it exhilarating that we now have...

  • Access to exceptional healthcare
  • Building an online community has never been easier
  • Creating your dream lifestyle is within reach

If you agree, you will love what you’re about to read…

If you disagree, stick around as this may change how you see the world.

I truly believe YOU are your ticket to living a great life.

In 2013 I strongly disagreed with this. I had recently moved home from playing rugby in France and was now working in construction.


Every day felt like groundhog day... I hated the work, I didn’t work with positive people, and I was living paycheck to paycheck.

If I were asked to define a good life... It was opposite to my reality

I felt stuck, unfulfilled & didn’t see a way out.

The truth is around 45% of men feel stuck and unfulfilled according to a recent poll on LinkedIn.

If we just round up those numbers... 1 in 2 men aren’t truly happy.

They lack:

  • True friendship (community)
  • Appreciation & Purpose
  • Financial independence
  • Time for family, friends & hobbies

I was in this position and am working to help other men improve this in their own lives.

However this also means 1 in 2 men ARE HAPPY

I started surrounding myself with men who seemed happy and fulfilled. I paid attention t how they thought, acted and communicated.

I wanted to give my unique perspective.

Not the usual spiel:

  • Find what you love
  • Do what you love
  • Earn money

Life wasn’t exciting for me and I felt stuck

I didn’t want to do what most people did

I accepted I was MY Ticket to living a great life

A great life is... (answer in your head) - Keep in mind you can focus on happiness, fulfilment, achievements, relationships, personal growth or a combination

For me in my current season of life the answer is:

A Great Life is...

♦️Chasing genuine happiness

♦️Deep connections

♦️Meaningful achievements


♦️Contributing positively to the world

♦️Smartly managing finances to support your dreams and freedom

There are many things you can do to create a great life... but I feel these 3 will work for you.

  1. Manage your time.
  2. Track your money.
  3. Build & monetise a community.

Manage Your Time:

Don't let others rule your time.

If YOU don't manage your time, someone will manage it for you.

Time is the one thing we all have equal. How you manage your time determines whether you live a great life or struggle through life.

Many people believe that managing their time will remove the spice & spontaneity of life.

In fact, it's the complete opposite.

If you are intentional with your time, you increase the chances of getting what you want.

I am doing X to achieve Y

If you look at your calendar. How well do you understand WHY you are investing your time into the appoints you have there?

This is assuming you use your calendar outside of work

If you can’t answer that… Could being more intentional with how you use your time lead to a greater quality of life?

Only you can answer that.

For me, Intention is KEY.

I use a calendar for 95% of the things I do.

I break my day into 3 categories (for simplicity)

  1. Me
  2. Others
  3. Money

Me = Fill my cup. I.e Exercise, personal growth, chill

Others = Serve others, connect, support, collaboration

Money = Build financial independence & Career

I chunk my time and am intentional with the tasks I add to this. I dive more into this in the Self Discovery Program.

We talk about self-discovery (finding values, strengths/talents & articulating life aspirations).

The journey of self-discovery allows you to make decisions to move you in the right direction.

Design you day in a way to achieve your goals & experience fulfilment.

What does your ideal day look like?

Start designing it now.

Track your money:

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Lachlan Stuart
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11:0 PM • Mar 30, 2024

If you’re wondering why this has made this list it's because money is important.

People try to tell you it’s not, but I believe it is.

57 % of Australians were struggling in 2020 and 55 per cent in 2021.

On average around 20% of households couldn’t raise $2000 if needed …

When I didn’t have money, life was hard... I was filled with stress & scarcity.

It’s had to have expansive thoughts from this position… I was surviving.

The reason I lead with ‘Track your money’ & not earn a sh!tload of money is because everyone's definition of rich is & should be different.

I spoke more about this in a recent newsletter(Read here).

If you track money. You can minimise financial stress by spending less than you earn.

It’s a very simple place to start

As you continue navigating life your wants, needs & desire will evolve... this means you financial number may change.

At stages you may need to earn more, other times less.

It's important to continuously track this to be on top of your finances.

When you minimise financial stress your quality-of-life increases

Most men I chat to are only focused on earning more, without the basic understanding of what their number is and how tracking their expenses could improve their quality of life and financial position.

Taking control of your finances will put you in a powerful position that many never achieve.

Build & monetise a community

This is what really excites me now.

I spent years searching for a group of likeminded people...

I experienced plenty of rejection, people I didn’t enjoy the company or loneliness.

I had just started my journey of self-discovery

I knew to change my life I needed to be around those with similar values.

It was hard to find. There was never really the perfect group

I decided to create it.

I knew what I valued, the kind of people I wanted to spend time with & the experiences I wanted to have.

I used that knowledge to build a community of like minded men & eventually monetise it

I’ll share why I monetised it shortly

Let’s look at why YOU should create the community.

  1. You grow influence
  2. It’s easier than finding a community

To grow a community, you must influence others to be part of it.

This requires you to become a leader (improves all areas of life).

All good leaders, lead by example. Which means you will be doing more of the things that help you live a great life.

You will drop the victim mindset of waiting for someone to do it for you.

Trying to find a community means you put your life on hold. Creating one means you amplify it and invites others to share experiences.

Now let’s chat about monetising.

As the stats showed above. There are plenty of people unsatisfied with their career and even more families who couldn’t get $2000 if they needed it.

This is why we monetise.

We live in an time where you can get paid to do what you love with those that you love spending time with all because you support them to do more of what they love

It’s a win, win situation.

This final piece of the puzzle is achieved by the first two points.

If you manage your time better, you will be able to experience life and build a community.

If you track your finances, you will be able to structure & monetise your community in a way that supports your financial needs.

In summary by taking responsibility of 3 key points. You become YOUR ticket to living a great life.

This journey will require you to grow and evolve.

It will be scary, you will make mistakes but you will be proud of the man you become.

Embarking on this journey changed my life. I hope this gives you some perspective to change yours as well.

See you next week