The Hard Truth About Chasing Dreams and Why I Refuse to Quit

The Hard Truth About Chasing Dreams and Why I Refuse to Quit

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Life Is Tough For Me At The Moment (Quit or Double Down)

I had a vision of what my life would look like by the time I turned 33. It was pretty straightforward: I thought I'd have a family, a stable career, and spend my weekends having a beer with my mates. Funny how life doesn’t always stick to the script.

As I sit here today, my life couldn’t be more different. I live abroad, I don’t have children yet, and beers with the boys aren’t a regular part of my weekend. Instead, I’m training to run 58 marathons in 58 states. That’s not something I could have ever predicted.

On the outside, looking at my social media, it probably seems like I’m living the dream. I get to travel across America, do what I love, and experience adventures most people only dream of. But behind the highlights, I’m struggling. And it feels odd to admit that.

At 33, I thought I’d have my life "together." House, family, steady income. But here’s the thing—I decided in 2014 that a stable career wasn’t for me. I knew I wanted to work for myself and live life on my terms. I’ve spent the last decade chasing dreams that don’t fit the typical mould, and along the way, my relationship with alcohol changed, and I found myself choosing adventure over nursing hangovers on the weekends. My wife and I have been so focused on building our individual dreams that it never felt like the "right" time to have kids.

Would You Rather...

Each week, I’ll present you with two scenarios—one offering instant results and the other long-term growth. It’s a powerful way to reflect on your decision-making process and challenge your mindset around success, resilience, and progress.

A) See instant results by working intensely for 30 days, achieving quick but temporary success, and then facing the risk of burnout?


B) Commit to consistent, gradual progress over the next 12 months, where results are slower but sustainable, building a foundation for long-term growth and mastery?

This Week's Podcast

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Personal Progress 11th September - 18th September 🤯

What Happened ✅:

  • Personal: Travelled to Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus & Franklin
  • 58 Marathons: Close to locking in my title sponsor for the challenge
  • Moving: Putting our stuff in storage to head back to Australia for a few weeks
  • SMOV Academy: 4 new applicants

What's Coming Up 📅:

  • Strong Men of Value Academy: New intake kicks off July 1. (apply here) Great for men wanting focus and accountability.
  • Travel: Heading to Australia via a few days in Hawaii
  • Training: Started with my new coach. You can watch more about my run here

Strong Men of Value Quarter 3 Applications Open In...

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