The biggest cheat code to success (simple but hard)

The biggest cheat code to success

Do you ever find yourself wishing your life was better, but feel trapped in a cycle of busyness that leaves no room for reflection?

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're constantly on the go, with every day blending into the next without a moment to pause.

In our fast-paced world, our minds haven't quite caught up with the rapid changes in how we live. What once was a matter of survival now feels like minor inconveniences—like a dead iPhone battery making us question how the world will know we're alive.

Despite the advancements that promise to improve our lives, we're finding ourselves increasingly swamped. Relationships suffer, our health declines, and the simple act of maintaining a routine becomes a challenge. Routine, after all, is more than just habit; it's a powerful success hack that keeps us grounded and helps us navigate the chaos.

Over the past 10 days, I’ve been on the road with my wife and her band. It's likely the last time I'll undertake a long tour, as the lack of routine, late nights, and inability to plan have really taken their toll. Despite not drinking, I find myself constantly exhausted.

There’s a reason we seek comfort in it: routine helps us establish efficiencies and maintain balance. Without it, everything feels more challenging and draining.

Routines are like the ultimate cheat code for achieving what you want in life.

I want to break this down for you in a way that’s practical and actionable. I won’t rely on dictionary definitions—my goal is to explain it in a way that makes sense and helps you incorporate it into your life.

At its core, routine is about stacking habits. A habit is simply something we do regularly, often without thinking. Our lives are a reflection of these habits. Some habits may need to change, while others should be reinforced.

Building new habits can be challenging, but that’s where the true power of a routine comes into play. When you establish a routine, you’re not just creating a structure; you’re setting yourself up for success by making positive habits a regular part of your day.

I believe routines are crucial for maximising success. They leverage existing habits to help establish new ones.

For example, about five years ago, I decided to link journaling with my morning coffee. Since I always wake up and make a coffee, I thought, "Why not use this time to journal as well?"

By combining these two activities, I added more value to my life without much extra effort. Now, when I get my coffee, journaling follows naturally.

Writing has become a key pillar in my career. I script my podcasts, brainstorm ideas, and develop workshops for my Strong Men of Value Academy. This routine has helped integrate writing seamlessly into my day.

If you’ve been following my newsletter or listening to my podcast, you might remember my "Me, Them, Work" concept, which allocates time for:

  • Me (Self-Care)
  • Them (Family/Friends)
  • Work (Work Goals)

I have routines for each of these areas. They aren’t complicated; they’re efficient. The routine ensures that I follow through on my commitments in these areas.

I often speak to men who struggle with at least two of these areas. Establishing routines can be a game-changer.

Think about it.

If you want to improve your marriage, start with regular date nights. But you can also establish a routine for when you get home to create a meaningful connection.

For instance:

  • Leave your phone at the door
  • Greet your spouse warmly
  • Spend 10 minutes talking

This is a simple routine that triggers a chain reaction of positive habits.

Being on the road has presented its challenges. I’ve missed my morning writing sessions because I’ve needed extra sleep after late nights. I’ve had to skip afternoon time with Amy to fit in a run. It’s been a juggling act, and it’s not always smooth.

Despite these challenges, I can vouch for the fact that my productivity and mental health are significantly better when I stick to a routine. It’s a crucial part of maintaining balance and effectiveness, even when life gets chaotic.

Whether you have a routine or not. I hope this serves are a reminder to look at your habits and how they influence your day.

If you would like some support and accountability with this. The Strong Men of Value Academy is the program for you. We help you achieve more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months.

Join the WAITLIST now.

See you next week

Personal Progress 22nd August - 29th August 🤯

What Happened ✅:

  • Personal: Travelled to Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver, San Fran
  • SMOV: 13 men joined waitlist for SMOV
  • Podcast: Episode with Leroy

What's Coming Up 📅:

  • Strong Men of Value Academy: New intake kicks off July 1. (apply here) Great for men wanting focus and accountability.
  • 58 Marathons: Training is going well. Announcement of charity coming soon

Strong Men of Value Quarter 3 Applications Open In...

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