Strong Men of Value (Applications Are Open)

Strong Men of Value

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2019 saw the launch of the Strong Men of Value Academy.

It started from a need for more accountability and community. Personally, I knew how powerful it was to be around like-minded men, especially those who had the results I desired. The power of growth isn’t just something you stumble upon; it’s something you actively cultivate with the right environment and support.

We all have areas in life we can improve, whether it feels significant or not. For some, it’s health, removing financial stress, or even saving their marriage. For others, they seemingly have it all—successful careers, good health, stable relationships—but still feel like something is missing.

What’s the common thread between these men? Growth. Whether you’re trying to escape pain or striving for greater pleasure, the answer always lies in personal growth. It’s not about fixing a problem; it’s about evolving into the person you need to be to create the life you want.

The Challenge of Growth As a men’s high-performance coach, one of the biggest challenges I face is explaining that even if it doesn’t feel like there’s a major issue, the path forward is the same—growth.

I hear from men all the time, “I don’t have a problem, but I feel like I could be getting more out of life.” To me, it’s two sides of the same coin. The fact that you feel like something’s missing, or that there’s more you could achieve, is a sign that growth is needed. The more you delay, the more life continues to pass you by.

Let me share some personal stories.

Example 1: Overcoming Financial Stress When I was driving Uber, I was making roughly $1,000 a week. Financial stress was high, and it was crushing my self-esteem. I wanted to move out with Amy, but I couldn’t afford it. The fact that she was supporting me weighed heavily on me.

I had two choices: 1. Drive more hours, which would rob me of time and strain my relationship. 2. Learn a high-paying skill or start my own side hustle.

I chose option two, even though it was scary and I had no idea where to start. But that’s what growth is: stepping into the unknown, learning new skills, and challenging your current limitations. Fast forward, and the change I sought presented itself because I embraced growth.

Example 2: Feeling Empty Despite Success One of my clients has a multi-seven-figure net worth. From the outside looking in, he has it all—great family, career, health, flexibility. But for him, there was still something missing. Does this sound like someone who has a problem? Some would say no, but I disagree.

He wasn’t in pain, but he was being denied the deeper pleasures of life—the satisfaction that comes from growth. The answer for him wasn’t to settle; it was to continue growing.

It’s important to understand that men who are looking to escape pain and those seeking more fulfillment share the same journey ahead—growth. Who they are today isn’t who they need to be to overcome their challenges, and that’s where the Strong Men of Value Academy comes in.

What Does Growth in the Academy Look Like? The Strong Men of Value Academy is built around the idea that growth should fit into your life, not disrupt it. A typical week for our academy members is structured to offer both flexibility and accountability:

  • 45-minute weekly group call: This is where we connect, share progress, and provide guidance.
  • 10-minute accountability partner check-in: You’ll have a partner to keep you on track. These quick check-ins ensure you’re staying focused on your goals.
  • Community platform: Engage as much or as little as suits you. Our members have full access to a community of men who are equally committed to growth. I’m active in the group, so you can ask questions anytime and connect with like-minded men.

Our program is about building consistency and making sure that you are continually growing in the areas that matter most to you.

Who is the Academy For? The Academy is primarily designed for men in business or management roles, though it’s not limited to them. If you’re looking for personal or professional growth, this is where you belong. Whether you’re a business owner, an entrepreneur, or just someone ready to push the boundaries of your personal life, we provide the tools, support, and community to help you achieve more.

Measurable Results: The results of the Academy speak for themselves.

Here are just a few examples:

* One member improved his business turnover by 400% over three years.

* Another member saved his marriage.

* One man dropped 18kg.

* Another started a business, moved to a new city, and transformed his marriage and relationship with his kids.

* One client reported becoming better at public speaking, which had a positive ripple effect in both his personal and professional life.

It’s not just about making changes—it’s about sustaining those changes and continuing to grow.

What Sets Us Apart:

The 12-week game plan we use is one of the unique aspects of the Academy. This plan ensures that you maintain balance across all important areas of your life—health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth. Our community is also unique, bringing together high-performing men who actively support and challenge each other.

But growth isn’t automatic. It requires ownership. As the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” A transaction of money gets you in the door, but it’s the commitment you bring that will lead to real transformation.

  • You have to fill out your game plan.
  • You have to show up to the calls.
  • You have to ask questions.
  • If that excites you, the Strong Men of Value Academy is the place for you. You’ll thrive here, surrounded by men who are motivated, committed, and successful in various aspects of their lives.

One of the key growth opportunities in the Academy is leadership. By actively engaging with other men in the Academy, you’ll not only improve your communication skills but also develop greater self-awareness. Leadership isn’t about a title; it’s about how you lead yourself and others. That’s why we focus on practical strategies for personal and professional growth.

My personal journey—from being an Uber driver to becoming a high-performance coach—has deeply influenced my coaching style. I understand what it’s like to feel stuck, to see the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This gap presents both the challenge and the opportunity to grow.

In the Academy, we focus on taking action. It’s not about dwelling on the past. It’s about understanding what you need to do now to create a great life. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I provide simple, effective frameworks that anyone can implement.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “I’m ready for more,” then the Strong Men of Value Academy might be your next step.

This is the message you needed to hear to jump off the fence and take life by the horns. Let me help you achieve more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months.

Applications are now open.

Here’s how the process works:

1. You fill out the application form.

2. We’ll have a call to ensure it’s mutually beneficial.

3. If it’s a good fit, you’ll be invited to join.

Thanks for being here. I look forward to reading your application. If you aren’t quite ready.

See you next week.


Proving Every Man Can

Personal Progress 4th September - 11th September 🤯

What Happened ✅:

  • Personal: Went to my first College Football Game (Vanderbilt University)
  • Running: Ran 3 X Half Marathons (21.1km) in a row
  • Gym: First gym session in 2 weeks. (love feeling the pump)
  • SMOV Waitlist: 23 Men Joined the WAITLIST

What's Coming Up 📅:

  • Podcast:New Episode with Dos & D (Building one of Australia's TOP Podcasts)
  • Strong Men of Value Academy: New intake OPEN (Apply Now) 15 spaces ONLY
  • Personal: Moving out. We are packing up in Nashville. Heading to Hawaii, Australia before returning to America in November

Strong Men of Value Quarter 3 Are Open

Count down to 2024-09-09T10:00:00.000Z