Build Your Life One Day at a Time
Build Your Life One Day at a TimeHow do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Similarly, living a great life is achieved one day at a time. We all face moments where we stand at the base of a mountain, looking up and wondering, "How do I get up there? Can I get up there? Is that really where I want to go?" These questions can lead us down two paths: one of growth, optimism, and resilience, or one of fear, overwhelm, and hesitation. I've walked both paths. Focusing on growth and optimism led to fulfilment, while succumbing to fear and hesitation left me feeling lost and defeated. From ages 28-35, I’ve experienced some of the most significant changes in my life. This period feels like a true coming of age, where the pressures of being a man, husband, business owner, and friend intensify. It's the age when many of us start families, establish our family life, and strive for financial security. The growth and adjustment can feel overwhelming, like starting at the base of the mountain every day. Life dangles a carrot, prompting questions like, "How do I earn more money? How do I be happier? What is truly important to me?" These questions drive our search for intentional living. My marriage is the best it’s ever been, I am getting to see the world, and I genuinely love every day—all because I’ve learned to live intentionally. Living intentionally is like eating an elephant—one bite at a time. The key lies in:
This approach allows us to build anything, embracing change, feedback, and the ability to pivot. Don’t mistake me for living in the moment either. I am clear on the direction I want my life to go, while being open to life guiding me. There’s a great saying, “Life happens for us, not to us,” so I believe any challenge or friction is there to teach me something. I think the older we get and the more responsibility we carry, the more we need to be intentional. This is why having a vision can be a great thing to pull us in the right direction. Detailed Steps: 1. Backward Planning
2. Segmentation: Me, Them, Work
3. Nightly Planning and Setting Priorities
4. Regular Feedback and Progress Tracking
5. Flexibility
I can guarantee your life is different to mine, but I know you can implement a few of these steps and see improvements in your life. It’s up to you how you choose to do it. Personally, I use my Apple Notes, Apple Calendar, and Reminders. This keeps things simple, and I always have my phone with me. Remember, living intentionally is about taking it one day at a time. Start today by planning your ideal day, setting your priorities, and making time for what truly matters. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make. Take the first bite of your elephant today. Join the "Life Design Blueprint" Waitlist. First 4 week cohort opening soon Personal Progress 12th June - 19th June 🤯What Happened ✅:
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